Meal Planning Notepad


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    Do you find it stressful to plan your meals every week? Look no further than the Meal Planning Notebook! This helpful notebook is designed to help you stay on top of your meal planning while saving you time and money. We’ve created the best meal planning notebook so that you can stay organized, cook without stress, and enjoy healthy and delectable meals every day of the week.

    This is Only the Beginning

    you can do this!

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 110 reviews
    Meal Planning Must Have!

    This amazing folded nite pad is perfect for planning your meals on one side and making your grocery list on the other. Plus it's easy to tear out and take with you. On the right side, you plan your weekly menu and you could do multiple weeks at a time. Then on the left side is where you write your list. I love this because I leave it out in my kitchen and every family member knows to add things to the list especially if they use the late of something. This system is perfect. Even my little ones can add to it but the teens definitely know if it's not on the list, I will forget to get it. So they add and now it's become the system for groceries and household items. Thanks for making life easier with the meal plan/grocery list all in one! 🧡✏️📒

    Lori K.
    Great notepad

    Very handy to stick on the refrigerator and jot things down when running low.

    Jolene M.

    Loved it! Love the colors and the concept of getting organized for weekly meals!


    These are awesome!

    wendy b.
    Grocery list/menu planner

    I wasn't sure what this was until I got it, and checked it out....I haven't started using this...I need to think of a way to incorporate this into my planner otherwise it won't get used. If you haven't purchased this yet know that they are not sticker sheets; know that they are paper packs adhered to the album, which is very very nice by the way. I'll have to use some sticky tape or something if I'm to put it in my planner...that's where I make all my lists for things. But I want the sticky tape to kind of act like a sticky note pad where its temporary because I'll be taking that grocery list with me when I shop. And of course the pen that comes in one of the accesory packages I can use on the meals this week...I'll still use Wite out ez correct incase we change our minds about meals. Always on the go...need to make changes when we do. Maybe this could be a suggestion...add one of your ink pens to this booklet..that way you always have a pen for your lists.